Rainy Reading & Fairytale Origins

It has been raining non-stop lately. Aside from Friday when I was a super fun Mom ( not like a regular Mom, a fun Mom!) and spent a chunk of the afternoon letting Hazel go wild in the rain and in a giant mud puddle we found, we’ve been spending a lot of time inside making messes and reading.

I can’t even tell you how happy it makes me that Hazel loves to read! When she’s playing in her room reading by herself I always creep up and watch her just hauling her books around to different spots to read them in.

You can always tell when Hazel is ready to be read to because she turns around and backs herself into your lap. It’s so funny, she’ll start her back-up from halfway across the room and it doesn’t matter how receptive your lap is – she’ll just start burrowing her way in regardless. Sometimes though she’ll sit on the floor and let you read to her from beside her so you can show her the pictures while you read if she’s grown tired of randomly flipping the pages herself ( she’s not huge on plot development yet and likes to randomly skip large chunks of pages back and forth) Today we were doing that and she took the sole of her foot and matched it up on mine and then looked at our feet with the most satisfied expression. Then, she smiled up at me as if we were in on the secret of our matched soles together and wasn’t it delightful?

One of her favorite books is this giant copy of every single old school nursery rhyme that she got from her friend Alice for her birthday. It weighs almost as much as she does but she loves to carry it around. I’ve never really paid attention to the lyrics in nursery rhymes before but now that I’ve read them 300 times I’ve discovered they are so weird!

My Dad is a history teacher, so he always tells me the strange historical origins of things and virtually all nursery rhymes are about something horrible! For example; Rock A Bye Baby is about way back when parents had more children than they could afford to feed they put babies up in the tree branches and ” when the wind blows the cradle will fall” so that nature killed them instead of them having to starve to death! THAT has been haunting me for weeks so I thought I’d share and you can think of me next time you hum that little horror tune 🙂

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